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Table 1 Types of patient and public involvement and engagement and participation in research

From: Patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE): how valuable and how hard? An evaluation of ALL_EARS@UoS PPIE group, 18 months on




Asking members for their views and using these views to inform decision making.

- Discussing research project ideas with patients and the public to find out how relevant they think the projects are.

- Asking patient and carers to read, and provide feedback on, documents in the research design pathway.


Where decisions about the research are shared between researchers and members of the public.

- PPI members collaborating with researchers to develop a grant application.

- PPI members being involved with interviews with research participants for qualitative data collection.


Where research is controlled, directed, and managed by service users and their service user organisations.

- PPI members as researchers on a project where they design, initiate, and deliver the research.


Where information and knowledge about research is provided and disseminated through a range of activities.

- Running a stall/exhibit at a science festival.

- Giving a public lecture or talk to inform the local community.


Where members of the public take part in the research study.

- Taking part in a clinical trial.

- Completing a questionnaire for a research study.