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Table 4 Semi-structured user testing interview themes

From: Engaging communities to inform the development of a diverse cohort of cancer survivors: formative research for the eat move sleep study (EMOVES)


Sub-themes summary



Clarity: Changes to the main study tagline of “lifestyle factors” was requested to be more specific. Requested removal of scientific jargon to explain study purpose and addition of bulleted summaries

Implemented changes

Informative: Study instructions, summary, and page task descriptions were too wordy. Participants requested shortened summaries, bullet points and specific points of instruction before major series of task navigation

Implemented changes

Relevance: Study summary and overview of goals were seen as redundant. Account creation required email and phone number; participants felt an email should be sufficient. IRB consent and additional study consents were seen as lengthy and signing up for the study site was perceived as a sign of consent. Activity to link a Fitbit was a recurring point of confusion for participants, as many did not own one

Partially implemented:

Study summary and goals were rewritten, account sign up was simplified, and additional study sign-up pages were consolidated

Changes to IRB consent were not feasible as it followed a university standard, but a summary page was provided to highlight key points

While the study maintains a Fitbit option, we added text to describe this as optional. This activity was moved from prior to the study surveys to only being presented after participants completed all study surveys to minimize confusion


Interface: Placement of buttons to advance in the study and access help needed to be easier to spot and more intuitive. There was confusion regarding usage of Docusign for indicating consent; and participants were concerned that they would have to make an account and sign-in elsewhere. Survey dashboard lacked clear instructions

Implemented changes, e.g., added instructions prior to the Docusign page, added instructions about navigation and what to expect at the beginning of the first survey


Layout: Make study logo and UCSF branding on study invite and landing page more prominent

Implemented changes

Colors: Study color theme was favorable, but feedback was provided on the color of interactive buttons and text such that they were more easily distinguishable

Implemented changes

Imagery: Request to diversify images to include Asian and Latinx individuals (in addition to Black adults), age-appropriate exercise, and more group-oriented visuals

Implemented changes