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Table 6 Results summary

From: Evaluating the impact of engaging older adults and service providers as research partners in the co-design of a community mobility-promoting program: a mixed methods developmental evaluation study

Evaluation domains

Strengths and opportunities



Phase of the research project

On participants



Preparatory phase

Execution phase

Translational phase

Knowing and doing more physical activity


  - Atmosphere encourages discussion

  - Felt welcome, included, heard

SGC members:

  - Are age, gender diverse

  - Identify as members of equity-seeking groups

  - Agree that wide range of views/perspectives are shared

Adding diverse voices

Interpreting evidence to identify priority features

Co-authored knowledge products:

 - Infographics

 - Research briefs

 - Study website

- Conference   presentations

- Peer-reviewed publications

Sharing knowledge and experience


  - Supportive, responsive

  - Clear communication

Advantages of virtual engagement:

  - Convenience

  - Break out groups

Older adult SGC members are ethnically diverse

Choosing meaningful language

Helping researchers understand community

Desire to continue research partnerships



Refining outcomes

Challenges of virtual engagement:

  - Screen fatigue

  - Meet in-person first

The majority of SGC members agree that they:

  - Can express their views

  - Feel their views are heard

Transitioning to virtual pilot

Meeting logistics


The majority of SGC members:

  - Are satisfied with the SGC

 -  Think it is a good use of their time