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Table 5 Evaluation results table

From: Evaluating the impact of engaging older adults and service providers as research partners in the co-design of a community mobility-promoting program: a mixed methods developmental evaluation study



Data source and item

Result, representative excerpt


Q3: what is your gender?

Older adults: 50% male,

Service providers: 20% male

Q4: are you a member of any of the following groups: (LGBTQ, recent immigrant, persons with disabilities, visible minority)?

Older adults: 75% identified with ≥ 1 equity-seeking groups

Service providers: 40% identified with ≥ 1 equity-seeking groups

Q5: Which racial or ethnic group do you belong to?

Older adults: 50% Caucasian

Service providers: 100% Caucasian

Q13: A wide range of views on the topic are shared

Older adults: 100% agreement

Service providers: 80% agreement

Q14: The individuals …represented a broad range of perspectives on the topic?

Older adults: 100% agreement

Service providers: 80% agreement


What would you tell friends, family and colleagues about EMBOLDEN? Based on what you know now? Cross-sectoral, academic rigor, base of expertise, and diverse voices being heard, and it is well-funded.”—6th SGC Meeting Notes


Q11: I am able to express my views freely

Older adults: 100% agreement

Service providers: 80% agreement

Q12: I feel that my views are heard

Older adults: 100% agreement

Service providers: 80% agreement


Q21: I am satisfied with my engagement

Older adults: 100% agreement

Service providers: 80% agreement

Q22: Participating in the SGC is a good use of my time

Older adults: 100% agreement

Service providers: 75% agreement


Q17: I am confident the input provided by the SGC is heard by the research team

Older adults: 100% agreement

Service providers: 80% agreement

Q18: I think the input provided will make a different to the work of the research team

Older adults: 100% agreement

Service providers: 75% agreement

Q19: In your role, what influence have you had to date? (short answer)

Older adult excerpt: “I have seen and heard my view, as well as others, come back through future meetings.”

Service provider excerpt: “Sharing clinical experience with programming for Seniors.”

FG5: In what ways do you feel your engagement in the SGC influenced the EMBOLDEN program?

Older adult excerpt: ‘I think some people have offered to help find older adults to participate because they either live in one of the areas that the study’s gonna take place in or they know people who live there so … you know and probably without this SGC that that would possibly not have happened. the SGC has done a lot of this’

Service Provider excerpt: “I think sharing the outcomes of the research to know that you contributed to something… like in everything we do with the research, when we’re actually part of the implementation and work we get named in the publications, so I think sharing the outcomes and seeing where it landed”

  1. Q: Questionnaire, FG: Focus group, M : Meeting, agreement: Agree or strongly agree