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Table 1 Timeline of co-researcher’s key activities

From: Reflections and experiences of a co-researcher involved in a renal research study

May 2014

First became involved with this project when the lead researcher asked me to take a look at the protocol which was in its final draft.

By July 2014

Recruited as co-researcher

July 2014

Made useful contributions to the research protocol.

Contributed to the lay summary.

September 2014

Commented on interview schedules

November 2014

Contributed to discussions at the Advisory Group Meeting on how to capture costs for the project.

February 2015

Commented on the lay summary which was submitted to the funders. The abstract for the British Kidney Association (BKA) conference.

July 2015:

Had meeting with lead researcher who gave a demonstration of the SPSS stats system. Was not involved with inputting the stats.

December 2015

Data analysis of 33 interview transcripts started and continued until January 2017

March/April 2016

Submitted comments/suggestions for questions for 2nd round of interviews. Summary of interview themes sent to research team.

March 2016

Commented on Patient Research Newsletter text.

October 2016

Commented on abstract for Health Symposium.

October 2016

Commented on 3rd round questions, & suggested new/alternative questions.

December 2016

Final end date of study.

Dissemination continues into 2017 and beyond.

Commented on BRS conference abstract

January 2017

Commented on the report to the funder

March 2017

Commented on poster presentation for the British Renal Society conference

Activities Throughout The Research

Communication: Emails, replying/dealing with emails, queries, documents.

Meetings (face to face): Participated in 7 Research Team Meetings, Advisory Meetings, plus numerous one-to-one meetings and email exchanges regarding training and the progress/development of the study.

Document Review: commented on/edited over 10 draft documents, (in addition to analysing the interview transcripts); these included: the research protocol, the patient questionnaire findings, patient information newsletters, interview schedules, lay summary, abstract, submissions to funder, scoping report, funder project report, presentations.

Dissemination: lead author of this article, commented on abstract for Health Research Symposium 2017, abstract and poster for British Renal Society (BRS) conference.

  1. Please note that this list is not comprehensive as the co-researcher did not keep a running log of involvement. The table above was compiled by revisiting documents and email exchanges